
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Alex Akhup” ,找到相关结果约8955条。
The Lived Reality of Koms (Komrem) in Manipur: An Emerging Political Perspective
Alex Akhup
Journal of North East India Studies , 2012,
Abstract: This paper attempts to situate the socio political context of Manipur state asviewed from the experience of Koms (Komrem) in Manipur. Northeast region in generaland Manipur state in particular is described by cultural diversity. It is duly classified inthe emerging literature as multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and multi-tribe. The ethnic socialstructure and polity is intrinsically shaped by the ecological context of the region fallingwithin a larger part of the South East Asia. The state building processes in such contexthas had a unique impact on the embedded social reality often not seen in other parts ofthe country. Among other things, ethnic identity politics usually defined within thetheoretical constructs of self determination has emerged as a prominent state generatedsocio political process producing shared and contested boundaries of social interaction.In such a context, historiography, theorization and political ideology, in particular, findconvergence largely within the domain of colonial constructs and western concept ofstate politics fanned by dominant ethnic groups; Meitei, Nagas and Kukis. This paperpositions a political perspective of co-existence and mutual respect based on theexperience of Koms (Komrem); a case for a lived perspective.
Qualititative Analysis of Interface Behavior under First Phase Transition  [PDF]
Alex Guskov
Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology (JCPT) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/jcpt.2012.21005
Abstract: At present there is no explanation of the nature of interface instability upon first order phase transitions. The well-known theory of concentration overcooling under directed crystallization of solutions and Mullins-Sekerka instability cannot account for the diversified liquid component redistribution during solid state transition. In [1-3], within the framework of the nonequilibrium mass transfer problem, it has been shown that there are regimes of the interface instability, which differ from the known ones [4-6]. Moreover, the instability theory of works [1-3] demonstrates a complete experimental agreement of the dependence of eutectic pattern period on interface velocity. However, it is difficult to explain interface instability within the framework of a general setting of the mass-transfer problem. This paper is de-voted to qualitative analysis of the phenomena that are responsible for interface instability. The phenomena are connected by a single equation. Qualitative analysis revealed a variety of different conditions responsible for instability of flat interface stationary movement upon phase transition. The type of instability depends on system parameters. It is important that interface instability in the asymptotic case of quasi-equilibrium problem setting is qualitatively different from interface instability in the case of nonequilibrium problem setting.
Social Media and Political Participation: An Investigation of Small Scale Activism in Greece  [PDF]
Alex Afouxenidis
Advances in Applied Sociology (AASoci) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/aasoci.2014.41001

This paper discusses the possibilities and limitations of online activism. The example used to illustrate the above point provides some evidence that, on some occasions, civil society maybe mobilized through the use of the internet and the online public sphere, to organize more coherent and practical political demands. At the same time, it is also shown that the capacity of individuals to fully participate depends on previous offline experiences as well as a relatively higher degree of technical competence.

On Linear Analysis of the Movement of the Interface under Directed Crystallization  [PDF]
Alex Guskov
Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACES) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/aces.2014.42014

We present a detailed discussion of the boundary conditions of the directed crystallization problem, a formulation of the model considering temperature fields of external sources, the mechanism of attachment of particles to the growing solid surface, the influence of interphase component absorption on the phase distribution ratio of the components as well as the calculation of the period of the morphological interface instability which is made with due regard of all the aforementioned conditions.

Drawing on the “Lived Experience” —An Investigation of Perception, Ideation and Praxis  [PDF]
Alex Ashton
Art and Design Review (ADR) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/adr.2014.23007

“When we do not have the words to say something, drawing can define both the real and unreal in visual terms” (Kovats, 2007: p. 8). The paper addresses the question: what is the relationship be- tween perceptual experience and its interpretation through drawing? It is proposed that drawing, as knowledge and experience, is a particular way of coming to know the world that is explicated within artistic practice. The research examines how drawing, through its expression of the con- crete and the imaginary, provides interconnected ways of orientating knowledge that contribute to a multifaceted understanding of the “lived experience” (Dilthey, 2010). The study draws on phi- losophy, in particular the writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, to consider the complexities and in- terconnections of mind, object and body that are experienced through drawing. A central tenet of the research is an examination of the role of the body in constituing and explicating experience. In considering how we, as objects, are integral to the world and its phenomena, it is proposed that our “sense experience” (Sentir) (Heidegger, 1962) furnishes us with the ability to enter into this world as sensate beings; to interact, affect and engage with the world in both time and space. Mau- rice Merleau-Ponty in an essay entitled “Eye and Mind”, first published in 1961 (Johnson, 1993), contends that it is through contemplating a connection between the “seer and the seen”, in a direct reference to artist and viewer, that our experience of the world is “opened up more fully” (Johnson, 1993: p. 124). That is, by being immersed in the visible, the concrete, through the body, the visible is not appropriated, but is instead revealed by the act of “looking”. The practice of drawing is a means through which the act of looking is evinced in a tangible form. Investigating

A t-Norm Fuzzy Logic for Approximate Reasoning  [PDF]
Alex Tserkovny
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2017.107035
Abstract: A t-norm fuzzy logic is presented, in which a triangular norm (t-norm) plays the role of a graduated conjunction operator. Based on this fuzzy logic we develop methods for fuzzy reasoning in which antecedents and consequents involve fuzzy conditional propositions of the form “If x is A then y is B”, with A and B being fuzzy concepts (fuzzy sets). In this study, we present a systemic approach toward fuzzy logic formalization for approximate reasoning. We examine statistical characteristics of the proposed fuzzy logic. As the matter of practical interest, we construct a set of fuzzy conditional inference rules on the basis of the proposed fuzzy logic. Important features of these rules are investigated.
A Fuzzy Logic Based Resolution Principal for Approximate Reasoning  [PDF]
Alex Tserkovny
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2017.1010045
Abstract: In this article, we present a systemic approach toward a fuzzy logic based formalization of an approximate reasoning methodology in a fuzzy resolution, where we derive a truth value of A from both values of B → A and B by some mechanism. For this purpose, we utilize a t-norm fuzzy logic, in which an implication operator is a root of both graduated conjunction and disjunction operators. Furthermore by using an inverse approximate reasoning, we conclude the truth value of A from both values of B → A and B, applying an altogether different mechanism. A current research is utilizing an approximate reasoning methodology, which is based on a similarity relation for a fuzzification, while similarity measure is utilized in fuzzy inference mechanism. This approach is applied to both generalized modus-ponens/modus-tollens syllogisms and is well-illustrated with artificial examples.
Distance Education at the Grassroots and Assessment Procedures. The Case of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana  [PDF]
Kwao Alex
Creative Education (CE) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.101006
Abstract: Distance education is an innovative learning experience which focuses on learning technology with the aim of creating human capital by using delivery of lessons from highly accredited source to the learner. At the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, individuals from diverse backgrounds and organizations embark on distance learning who under normal circumstances would not have had access to attend classes in the mainstream. The compelling need to determine their success in various centres is determined by effective assessment procedures and programme evaluation. This depends on types, structures, tools, mode of delivery and assessment records. This paper therefore examines the academic underpinnings of what precisely occurs at the University of Cape Coast. The paper instigates an inquiry to draw attention to learning outcomes of the “new” academic environment which stakeholders are benefitting from. The investigation was a case study from selected centres of the Eastern region. It adopted the mixed approach with sample selection which involved 50 students, 30 course tutors and 5 course coordinators. Semi-structured interview and group discussion were used as validation tools. Analytical processes were through sequencing and concurrent procedures using descriptive statistics and discursive method as basis for generating data. Respondents claimed that assessment procedures were superb. However, both students and course tutors complained about continuous assessment component of Teacher Made Test which is entirely ignored. The recommendation was to adopt well defined assessment and evaluation strategies.
Warming of Antarctica as a Degassing Consequence  [PDF]
Alex Retejum
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2021.92002
Abstract: The warming of Antarctica observed in recent years is one of the consequences of deep degassing associated with the northward drift of the Earth’s core. Ascending streams of hydrogen and other gases move along the tectonic faults of the lithosphere. When they get into an oxidizing environment, there is an increase in the amount of water in the ocean and air, which is accompanied by a decrease in oxygen concentrations and the release of huge amounts of energy. The provisions of the proposed theory were tested using the method of mental critical experiment. The reality of atmospheric effects of subsurface degassing is confirmed by the facts of synchronous destruction of ozone in the stratosphere and an increase in the temperature of the surface air layer. These events usually coincide with releases of ozone-depleting and heat-generating hydrogen from the subsurface.
Some Considerations about Fuzzy Logic Based Decision Making by Autonomous Intelligent Actor  [PDF]
Alex Tserkovny
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2022.152002
Abstract: The article presents an approach toward an implementation of a fuzzy logic-based decision-making process by Autonomous Intelligent Actor (AIA) (? A. Tserkovny), when an input information is defined for its “strategic targeting” by a human operator in terms of a fuzzy incident geometry, whereas its “tactical” behavior (a navigation in space) is directed by fuzzy conditional inference rules. For implementing both elements of AIA decision-making a fuzzy logic [1] for formal geometric reasoning with extended objects is used. This fuzzy logic based fuzzification of axioms of an incidence geometry and a predicate apparatus [2] for AIA space orientation are also presented. The approach, offered in the article, extends predicates of a counter positioning of two objects and their mutual navigation into their fuzzy counterparts. The latter allows AIA to make certain “tactical” decisions.

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